Shorts. Midlength work best, as they give better protection
Wide Brimmed Hat
Long-sleeved shirt
Shoes with ankle support
Lightweight shoes. For campsite use
Windproof lightweight jacket
Swimming suit
Sleeping wear
Old pair of tennis Shoes. For swimming
Suntan Lotion
Mosquito Repellent
Matches / Lighter
Duck Tape. Great for canoe repairs
Rope. Long enough to hang your food in a tree
Sleeping Bag
Air Matress. For the softies - proper camping light weight self inflating rolls work best, otherwise an cheap air matress will work (you may want a pump)
Airplane Neck Pillow. Great for sleeping, but also good for padding on long portages
Natural Soap. You don’t want to pollute the water
Waterproof Bag. You can get these from many camping shops - great for wallet and camera