For a long time this site was running on a “Joomla” one-click install. While this was an easy way to start out all those years ago - it was only supposed to be a temporary measure. The final straw for migration occurred last month when my ISP informed me that the version of Joomla I was using, needed to be upgraded.
Needless to say, the instructions and steps for doing this update - were long and tedious - ultimately leading me to the question “why is it so complicated to maintain some information on the internet”?
Taking a step back, and questioning why I needed information in a SQL database, with numerous plugins written in PHP - it became obvious that the static blogging movement has a sensible solutions to all of this. After spiking a few alternatives, I found that Jekyll seemed to have the right level of customisability along with a no-nonsense way to get started vis-a-vi, Octopress.
I will write about some of the things I’ve learned along the way. This said, it is reasonably straight forward to get started.