Scrum Standup ReDo List →

The following is a list based on cards we use at Iterex for standup meetings. You can pass this list around to keep each member of the standup meeting on track (and reset it after each report). It works best of you rotate your phone to landscape mode.

  • What have I done since the last Scrum?. Describe items you have actually completed. Point to things on your planning board (like a “weather presenter”). If you haven’t completed anything, summarise your status so far. Try to be succinct – we don’t need every minute detail but enough to ask questions or organise a conversation later.
  • What am I going to complete today?. Discuss things you will be able to complete today. Identify specific tasks that will help you achieve completion. Name people or resources you need to work with. Call out any tasks missing from the planning board that you will work on today, and any meetings you plan on attending.
  • What obstacles do I need help removing?. Prioritise and call out the most significant items that impact the team. Try to avoid a big “washing list” of complaints – pick the top 3. If necessary, say – “there are more items I want to discuss offline”. You may require a different forum to find solutions if they are not trivial.
  • What feedback does the team have for me?. Encourage the team to ask clarifying questions, or give feedback on how successful your update was (too short? too vague? very helpful?). If feedback turns into new items, ask that they be recorded. Discuss these items in another meeting, possibly a Retrospective.